International Sales: FILMS BOUTIQUE
The celebration of Iman’s latest promotion as investigating judge in theRevolutionary GuardCourt coincide withwidespreadpublic protests after the death of a young womanin thestreets of Teheran.Thedemonstrations and the heavy-handed government responseupsetthe dynamicswithin his family. While Imanis struggling withthe psychological burden ofhisnew job, his daughters,Rezvan and Sana,are shocked andelectrifiedby the events,whilehis wife Najmeh is trying toholdthe familytogether.When Iman discovers that his serviceweapon has gone missing, he suspects his family. Frightened to lose his reputationand hisjob, he becomes more and more paranoid, starting aninvestigationin his own homeinwhich allbordersare crossed one by one...